Wellness Dog
Please come and say hello to our Wellness Dog, Patch!
Here at Christ the King School, Beaconsfield, we have identified an increase in the percentage of students who are exhibiting signs of anxiety and other social and emotional concerns.
A Wellness Dog will become another strategy that we can draw upon in order to reduce the level of anxiety in our students.
The benefits of a Wellness Dog at school are endless. They can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness and even improve your cardiovascular health. Caring for a dog can help children grow up more secure and active while providing valuable companionship.
The intentions of the Wellness Dog are to try and reduce and alleviate the amount of stress, anxiety and other social and emotional concerns, and develop a sense of belonging within our children at Christ the King School. We as a school, are doing everything we can to help lower the impact of these conditions by having a Wellness Dog at school. We know pets are kind, nonjudgmental and a great companion to share and care with. Our Wellness Dog, Patch will always be your friend.