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Our Community: Student Life
School Advisory Council

The CECWA Catholic School Board Constitution is now referred to as the Catholic School Advisory Council Transitional Terms of Reference.


The Advisory Council supports the Principal in accordance with a Terms of Reference and CECWA’s Delegations of Authority. The Advisory Council supports and advises the Principal on school financial matters such as financial performance. The Advisory Council is not involved in the daily operations of the school. 


The Advisory Council must carry out the following functions:


  • support planning for the present and future operation of the Catholic school;

  • provide membership, at the principal’s request, on selection panels for the employment of staff to the Catholic school in accordance with the relevant


CECWA Policies and Executive Directives;


  • provide membership on the panel that recommends the appointment of a Principal in accordance with the relevant CECWA Policy and Executive Directives;

  • in consultation with the Principal, communicate about the Catholic school and about Catholic education to persons and organisations in the School Community;

  • endorse the Catholic school’s annual budget before submission to CECWA for approval; and

  • advise the Principal on school financial matters such as performance against budget, sustainability, and capital and recurrent planning.


Advisory Council membership conditions are:


  • a commitment and desire to promote Catholic education and give service to the Catholic School Community;

  • a commitment to the safety, wellbeing and pastoral care of all students and staff;

  • an ability to work cooperatively and constructively with the Principal, school leadership team and all other members of the Advisory Council;

  • the possession of skills, competencies and experience that are reflective of, relevant and beneficial to the Catholic School Community; and

  • a sufficiency of time to devote to Advisory Council duties.


I wish to introduce you to our Christ the King School Advisory Council for 2025:


Chairperson: Michelle Kurtis

Treasurer: Alan Pecotic


P&F Representative: Angela La Rosa

Board Members: Vera Moura and Dr. Alistair White

Ex Officios: Andrew Kelly and Father Izzy

Observers to the Board: Sabrina Reardon, Lisa Seaward and Sophie Barrett


Michelle Kurtis

Advisory Council Chairperson


87 York Street

Beaconsfield WA 6162




(08) 94879900


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We wish to acknowledge the Whadjuk People of the Noongar nation, the traditional custodians of the land where our school resides. We recognise their strength and resilience and pay our respects to the Elders of today, those who have gone before us and those who are yet to come.

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