Fathering Project
Our Purpose:
To foster a stronger school community by connecting fathers and father figures.
Recognising the importance of a father role and support challenges faced by fathers and their children.
Why We Exist:
The Father’s Group at Christ the King is an initiative founded to foster a strong school community and develop links with the wider community.
Our aim is to support fathers and father figures through connection whilst positively engaging with the children in their lives.
Research shows fathering groups like this can:
Increase father and child connection
Increase child development
Support positive mental health
Support different parenting styles
“Never is a man more of a man than when he is a FATHER”
How do we connect and what do we do?:
Engaging activities and events
Events including children
Fathers/father figure only events
Connecting fathers and father figures within the school community
Improving fathering skills and knowledge through professional development opportunities.
Increased involvement to grow and be sustained as part of the school community.
Contacts and information
Facebook: Christ the King – Father’s Group
Email: ctkfathersgroup@gmail.com
Beyond Blue – Healthy Dads https://bit.ly/3oOBwJR
The Fathering Project https://thefatheringproject.org/
Relationships Australia https://bit.ly/34cLoFn
The Australian Parenting Website https://raisingchildren.net.a
DadsWA – Ngala https://bit.ly/37eIWjM
Black Dog Institute https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au
Maggie Dent https://www.maggiedent.com/